Went there after Jumaat prayer..smpi sna dalam pukul 3.30 pm..sekali datang,mcm sunyi ba~
ada plg urg,ganya~sikit..ada jua lah tejumpa PhotoG. Brunei Forever.I spotted "The Eye of Brunei"..yes..secara live~..kan d tagur~ganya nda ia nda kenal aku,haha..i only knew him from the Forum..active senior shutterbug x ah..well anywy..ra Dst tyme a2..sikit ja aku ambil gambar..sal Event nya start kul 4 ah..panat..kir th awal ni
ngam lagi Bday babah tu esok,haiya~kn beli hadiah lang...so aku ambil sikit gmbr..n chaow tarus ke Centre point bali hadiah babah laa d sna..tejumpa c Jia Shin jua lang..*my teacher maths..my friend plg tu..hehe* ..so bla bla bla..mlr sasat jalan n bla bla bla..bnyk lagi kn ku post ni ..so,here`s the picture..