its 12.00a.m...n...its 28th of September...menipu tu tarikh blog ah,jgn caya!ikut jam awal ani ku all know what it means ryte~...ada urg bday wa ri ne..siapa ah?..cni laa clue nya..ia suka main badminton,FIT BERABIS NI ANAK AH.ia ani lelaki,0o0ps..i mean the opposite Sex ,a girl.haha.n ia nda suka mkn mknn di kantin sekulah pteb.her eyes ani Liar niiii,nmpk lelaki ~aku th tu d tarik2 nya..haiyaa..latok cia kali,haha.We share our problems,money n t-shirt(thats wayyy too far -_-").dgn ku begila jua in msn or d luar n mna2 aja..n most of all..she`s my Buddy X) ...siapa nh?..jeng2~..
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ASHEELAA!!now u r officially gay! mean,u r officially 18!!...haha.i stole this picture at ur FS,the latest kn ni yaw?ya udah ^-^ .im older than u treat me as ur bRotha.thats my thankFul gift for u(yg d bawah ah),syukur sja th,penuh dgn wjh saya plg tu.LOL.hope u can achieve of all ur dreams ~..thank you for being there for me..we laugh together,study together,hang Out together in the school *well,sometimes :P * and Poop together...Ewwwwwwwww..hahaha,nada laa X)
"semoga pnjng umur n murah rezeki,amin"
i make it pink with bold,i know u like Pink wa gay..haha.well anywy,have a bliss day yaw.
ani yg awal2 ni..
there u go..happy birthday !!
ur truLy,Azri AR Photofly