9th February 2009
assalamualaikum,sorry for the delay post guys.Since this past few weeks i got really busy with my work.im sorry ^_^
i hope u all sehat2 selalu =) n for this post,well..last week pulang udah ni.its one of my friends birthday, c AjAliiiiiii~~~~....a.k.a azli.one of the member viva5a,well know as the family of friends ^_^.owkay then,well...nasib jua menJadi planning ku a2,hmmm..cana ah?k..1st ,bincang dgn drg c paw apa.i was hoping like ramai bah...at least yg common ppl lah yg dapat dtg atu..mcm yg lain a2 aku phm lah..busy with the Exam.ada yg keraja,ada yg busy with school work.so i invited yg free2 sja...bukan milih kwn ah guys...udah ku gto suruh c paw smpi kn tu ah..nda pa lah,at least ada wakil lah untuk the viva.well,planning kn jalan kaki lah 4rm masjid salmbigar ,sal rmh c azli hampir dgn masjid salambigar.paksa lalu hutan n apa plg lagi tu...n ngam lagi musim hujan,so..Licak -_-" sian jua ku kn drg...so kmi tarus sja ke rmh c Faiz(czn azli).Sna saja kmi park car kmi.c Zawir n mano bawa c azli jalan lu ,dalam pukul 2.00 a2 lah ke ICC,nda ku tau ah kemana sja drg atu.tapi sikit lagi RUSAK plan ku a2 uleh c luverboy ah..aku sma ia gnya tahu tu eyh..haiyaa..nasib.so,sementara drg jalan2,kmi ke rmh azli ,preparing for the birthday suprise..thanks auntie n kaka azli ^_^
so the plan a2 okay2 lah...so akhirnya,apa yg d sangka a2...menjadi jua~...he almost cry,yes? hahahahah...owkay then,let the pictures tell the story.=)
Siarah with her own scandal Yellow Balloon.pacah,baru th kn bali hari a2 ,hahaha..ngaleh2 sja meniup baloon dalam kereta.
nda dapat tinggal ni this person,COMEL.Common ppl in my blog,katanya wajib ada gmbr nya..haha..chill sja yaw..bunga emas ah.haha
while waiting for azli`s arrival..chill jap,ceta2 n apa.paw,Mas aRif and Siarah darl.
i recommend this for the cookie lover or Cake lover outside there to eat this ..
ajali dtg...so semua urg kaki kuda sedia..yaaaaa.!
"Laju!!..azli dtg!"
Riuh wah kamu... =_="
.........................SUPRISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....(bayangkan kmi teriak cematu like in 4 second,bnr2 jua tu kmi teriak...c hafiz th lagi n faiz..melayan bnr drg ah..aku ia jua..haha)
Lol.u guys should see his expression..jadi kambang..wahahaha.
sorang2 cia d paluk nya c aji awang ani.
brother paluk brother.LOL.
20th yo !!!!!!!!!...angka 2 !!..BUKAN LAGI SATU..yaaaaaaa!
kaka azli.
ceyh..terharu konon~...
Pehin laila Pemancha Pengiran di-Manggis Zawir Zakwan.
Puteri Mas Ayu Siarah dan Puteri Mas Jawa Paw Kacang Fathin.
orang kuat gunung Kota Batu atas kemuncak.Hafiz flizo.
........ermmm....faiz Xp
makan time~
making the video ,title " How do u think about the suprise bday?"
Bestie Gila dari ujung kaki hingga ke Penghabisan rambut.
us again...like cat and Dog.Lol.chill yo...
artis undangan Brunei.Mano.he got the talent dude~
then,we go to Muara Beach.Saja2..enjoy the Sunset Scene =)
sebelum kesana,kmi melawat rumah future c mano at serasa.The view is so cool...u can see the whole mukim serasa.(y)
watch ur step please...paku sna sini lai...
aku terbang~
sakai..sakai...fuyoooo~~~batu lah...pasir lah...bnyk pokok wyh~~~....(sadang2 jua tu kamu -_-" )
their last moment at Rahmano future House.then...we set off to Muara Beach~....