...Bismillah Hir`rahmanirrahim..dengan awal kata,saya minta maaf kerana terlalu overdose "Hiatus" ..Maklum lah,busy tersangat *tiakrg*...well,first of all ..bulan May telah berlalu dan buLan Jun pun telah dtg lagi...saya pun baru masuk 19 taHUn dan sehingga kini saya masih lagi berasa umur 13 tahun...LOL.k,i know its a lame post......malu ba,sal batah nda post a2 kali..so here`s the news (ABOUT WHAT I HAD DONE LATELY).
- Cleaning campaign at PTEM(adventure club)
- Cross Country at PTEM and a big shout out Cogratz to Mahkato,jaditah Wijaya dpt no.2..maKin naik kali ah nama wijaya.
- taking pictures at two places...two couples....2 big wedding events.
- PRS closing ceremony.
- words in motion at PTEM.
- My birthday * syukur ya Allah...i love you all yg greet a2 ..n for the "hadiah" jua ...fush~~*
- Fishing.(Tatap)
- liat salihen main d indoor stadium.*congratZ bro *
- Movie with the viva.
- pegi ke Empire dengan haadi n mano *latest* more pictures of them n crazy post....surely i`ll be blogging ..
- belajar?yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!...cuti kali ah ^_^
dan sekian sekian sekian sekian~~~.....pokoknya bnyk lah lagi kn ku blog ni ^_^ ..birthday greetings lagi..hehe..ramai wa ni ..kn mencari gmbr lagi n apa..fuh~..susah lang...hehe.to the ppl yg mlr text update update update a2......nah,start th ku update ni...n thank you for the loyal visitors =) .k.salamat~.
-Azri AR